Does your customer owe you money? A demand letter from an attorney to your non-paying customer will often bring results.
This personal legal service provides for a third-party New York attorney to mail one First Class letter to one customer demanding that they pay you for the services you provided to them.This is a great price for this legal service ... most attorneys will not even talk to you when you are offering them only $50 to pay for such personal demand letter services.
Place your order and the New York attorney will contact you direct by email or telephone and request information such as the contact information for your non-paying customer and the balance owed. The New York attorney will use this information and send a First Class letter demanding payment.
Attorney letters often bring results. When a non-paying customer receives such a letter, they know that you are very serious about collecting the debt. You have retained an attorney and they will believe that you will continue legal action until such time as you receive the balance owed to you. While such attorney letters often bring good results, there is no guarantee that you will get paid.
SOFI does not offer legal services. We are merely providing advertising for a New York attorney in good standing with the New York Bar Association.