Most field service inspectors only perform a few difference types of field service inspections every year. Many have never heard of a sign inspection, a lease inspection or a business verification. Many just perform the mortgage inspections ... the lowest fee inspections in the industry. They are unaware of better inspection opportunities. They don't know about collateral inspections. Many inspectors are not aware that with some additional classroom training they can move to higher fee inspections.
SOFI has been a leader in the field services industry since 1992. We have reviewed our records over the last 21 years and have discovered that there are well over 250 types of field service inspections within the general categories of mortgage, insurance and commercial inspections.
SOFI has assembled into one 375+-page E-book the descriptions of over 250 field service inspections. Many of these field service inspections require no experience or training to get started. The firms that are sources for most of these inspections are listed in the National Field Service Directory.
SOFI will include a copy of this great E-book (DOWNLOAD in PDF format) with every Field Service Business Starter Package shown at the top of the product list.
This is an AUTOMATIC DOWNLOAD. After you place your order, you will receive an on-screen acknowledgement that your order was processed. Within about 10 minutes from placing your order, you will receive a separate email that will contain a summary of your order and the DOWNLOAD link (found near the bottom of the email). Be sure to also look for this email in your SPAM folder. SAVE the email to your computer.
The product you ordered will be in a ZIP or PDF format. Call 352-449-1041 (east coast) if you are having any problems with the download.