Residential Insurance Inspections UNZIPPED is a DOWNLOADED E-Book. It contains over 150 pages.
It has over 150 pages of information that you need to get started with residential insurance inspections. Dorothy Bell, the author, has over 12 years of residential insurance experience. She has written a great entry level book on the residential insurance segment of the field services industry. The book has three detailed modules: (1) Basic Inspecting Procedures, (2) Replacement Cost Reports, and (3) Supplemental Reports. It is loaded with lots of color photographs and detail. The book includes three practical tests (100 questions) with answers to help you measure your progress.
DOWNLOAD a section of the book on condition issues, hazards, exposures and fire protection.
The price of the DOWNLOADED E- book is $49. As with all of our SOFI products, it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
This is an AUTOMATIC DOWNLOAD. After you place your order, you will receive an on-screen acknowledgement that your order was processed. Within about 10 minutes from placing your order, you will receive a separate email that will contain a summary of your order and the DOWNLOAD link (found near the bottom of the email). Be sure to also look for this email in your SPAM folder. SAVE the email to your computer.
The product you ordered will be in a ZIP or PDF format. Call 352-449-1041 (east coast) if you are having any problems with the download.